Halloween and Los Dios de los Muertos
The biggest issue I am having with this blog is that I plan my calendar of posts six months in advance and I write my posts about three...

I have one cousin on my mother’s side of the family. She lives about two hours away and we rarely see each other (only twice in the last...
Halloween Haunts I Have Known & Thrown
Halloween is a big time party time for my friends and family. I personally never had to host a party because everyone else did. My...

Halloween Movies & Television
In attempting to develop new ideas for a season or holiday, sometimes you have to consult a professional set designer/decorator. I have...
A Really Fine Person & Friend of Bygone Days
Today I celebrate the life of a very good friend of mine who passed away earlier this year. Her family chose to do a memorial and...

Halloween Music
In order to extend the mood of a holiday, immersion needs to be total. You must see, hear, smell, taste, & feel the experience to know...

A Taste of Autumn
I associate each season with my senses, unique to that time of year. For Autumn, the food changes and so my senses of taste and smell are...

Fabulous Fall Frolics
October 6 – Fall Frolics PHOTO OF CAMPING AND COOKING BADGES When I was in Girl Scouts, the...
Halloween Is On the Way
We have always liked Halloween in our house. We don’t do scary Halloween or horror Halloween. We do cute Halloween. Our ghosts and...